“The good performance of the Greek economy allows us to be more optimistic about the future”

Meeting with the Eurogroup President and Dutch Minister of Finance, Mr. J. Daiselblum

Meeting with the Eurogroup President and Dutch Minister of Finance, Mr. J. Daiselblum

The Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, welcomed Eurogroup President, J. Dojsselbloem, at Maximos Mansion and stated:

“I believe your visit is taking placing under better conditions than the previous time. We made tough decisions, but now I think we are very close to getting out of a very difficult adventure. It is of utmost importance to walk the last distance of these efforts. And our goal is to successfully and timely accomplish the third review to be able to discuss about the next day of Greece and the economy. I think this is the reason for your visit and I look forward to exchanging views. There are, however, some very good news about the performance of the Greek economy, so we are more optimistic for the future. “

In his speech, Eurogroup President J. Dijsselbloem stated:

“Thank you for accepting me. I am glad to return to Greece. Of course, my visits are always too short to enjoy your wonderful country. However, it is a good time to come back to Greece. The situation is much better, there is prospect, the economy is picking up and I think to a great extent this is the result of your own work. I would like to thank you for the cooperation we have had at a difficult period and intense negotiations. There has been much work done and the situation has improved. These are good news, not only, for Greece but for all of Eurozone and thank you for that. Today’s discussion topics will include the completion of the review, we share the same interests. I know that you are fully committed to the fastest possible integration, you have my support on this. Then we are heading towards the exit and I think we agree that it should be a clear exit and that Greece will again become financially independent. These are our common goals for which we must work together. Thank you again for your time “.